Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Monday 19 November 2012

thievery and song

In my experience, adoption and thievery go hand in hand. After surviving the bankruptcies of Imagine and St. Anne Adoption in 2009, I knew I had to write a book about this unbelievable fight to find my daughter in the world. As I've been saying since then, life is still writing the story, and I'm not typing it until it until I know the ending and it's a happy one.

Well, I'm still fighting for my happy ending, but a few days ago someone in Nigeria hijacked my e-mail account, used it to spam everyone I have ever known, then DELETED ALL MY FOLDERS which held, among many other things, the entire history of this adoption. Not knowing whether they stole the folders, or just deleted them, or both, it has beel hell for the past few days trying to protect myself against identity theft. But that doesn't even matter compared to the history I lost. The entire story of my adoption as told by six years' worth of e-mail. The book I felt I was destined to write, which I was going to piece together with all those messages. Gone. And what was in it for them to wipe out anything besides the evidence of their crime in the "sent" folder? Nothing. But what were those folders worth to me? Priceless. In all these years I have been fighting for what is good and right and true in the world, I have met more evil than I ever imagined, and it just doesn't seem to stop. So much selfishness, thoughtlessness and greed.

Needless to say, I need a song. Lately I've been wearing out my playlist of inspirational songs (if one could wear out a digital file, that is). So yesterday morning I went shopping on itunes and I stumbled on buried treasure.  His name is Tyrone Wells and he is a singer/songwriter from the Seattle area. How in the world did I not know about him before today, and how in the world doesn't everybody know about him??? In any case, I found this song, Give it Time, right when I needed it. I hope you will treat yourself to his many other songs/videos on youtube. I recommend Freedom, Sea Breeze, and Running Around in my Dreams, Happy as the Sun and And the Birds Sing....for starters. Thank heaven for people like this, who spread light and love, and make the world a better place. May goodness always win.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Karen,
    The sun will come out! As I sit here, home from work with my bumb knee in WET, grey, rainy Vancouver, I have to believe that. I'm not just being literal about the weather, BUT in a much deeper way with something that means the world to us. For you, for me, and for all other waiting parents, the sun HAS to come out. It's just a case of when. I am so sorry you lost all those emails it makes me want to go and print out all mine! I think I'd have something approaching the size of a phone book! Thank you for sharing this song and I hope none of your friends got roped in by the email.
    Take care,
